This is a full documentation on how to operate the notification dashboard.
First of all, Notification Dashboard is located in My Account > Dashboard.
Other than sending push notifications through this Notification Dashboard and API connection, you can also trigger instant push notification through JavaScript Bridge.
1. API Key: You will need this API Key when you try to subscribe device for push notifications through mobile app or API connection, get subscribed devices list through API connection or schedule push notification through API connection.
2. Timezone: By selecting the timezone, any notification being scheduled within this dashboard will be sent based on the selected timezone. NOTE, if you schedule push notification through API connection, you will need to send the date and time value in UTC +0.
3. Trash Device: All subscribed devices will be listed in the table, you can select and choose the unwanted devices and click on the trash button to remove it.
4. Send Notification: Besides from scheduling push notification through API connection, you can send immediate push notification or schedule push notification to all / specific devices through this notification dashboard too. NOTE, you need to select target devices by checking the checkboxes before sending notification.
5. Add Device: Besides from subscribing devices through mobile app or API connection, you can manually add new devices in this dashboard too.
6. Schedule: Schedule a specific date and time to send out the push notification or send it immediately. NOTE, the scheduled date and time will follow the Timezone being set in No.2.
7. Title: Push notification title.
8. Content: Push notification content.
9. Redirect URL: The web app page you would like to redirect your users to when user clicks on the notification.
10. User: This value should be the user’s unique ID.
11. Category: Category name where the user belongs to.
12. Device UUID: The user’s device UUID.
13. Device Token: The user’s device token.
When you scroll further down the notification dashboard, here is the section where all scheduled and sent push notifications will be listed, including notifications that are scheduled in this dashboard or through API connection.
14. Trash scheduled push notifications: For those pending push notifications that are scheduled to be sent in the future, you can select and remove the unwanted ones. NOTE, you cannot delete sent push notifications.
15. Pending or Sent: Switch the tabs to view the list of pending push notifications and sent push notifications.
16 & 17. View Details: Click on the “Eye icon” to view the specific notification details. Sample of notification details is shown below.