Auto Login Users

Auto Login Users

Sometimes, in web app, it will logout users frequently, especially after the app is being stopped. Therefore, to ensure smooth user experience, our framework will return certain URL parameters for your server-side to login users from the backend.

These URL parameters will only be returned for the first time when user opens the app after the app is being stopped.

URL parameters returned are as follow

  1. need_login: This value will always be 1 if the user_id stored in the mobile application is a valid value. Refer to here to know more about user_id.
  2. userid: This user ID value is the one that you sent to the mobile application. Refer to here to know more about sending user ID value to mobile application. You can obtain the current user ID by getting this URL parameter, and help this user to login from the backend.
  3. ori: This is the original URL without any extra URL parameters such as need_login, userid and ori, you can redirect users back to this original URL after logging them into the system.

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